Past Events


A Bulgarian Celebration of Trifon Zarezan - 2016

The Bulgarian Community Center of DC


A Bulgarian Celebration


Trifon Zarezan

 Entertainment provided by

 Lyuti Chushki 

Shake off the February freeze and dance away the winter doldrums by celebrating Trifon Zarezan, the traditional Bulgarian wine celebration that marks the time of year when winegrowers trim back their vines.   Fun grape vines pruning demonstration and  workshop  about the wines and wine-making traditions in Bulgaria.

Please wear white, green and red clothing for the event!

Please contribute to the celebration by bringing your favorite appetizer, dessert or wine to share.
February 13, 2016, 6 pm to 10:30 pm

Leland Community Center
Jane E Lawton Community Recreation Center
4301Willow Lane
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Free parking in the parking lot in front of the Leland Community Center is available.

$8 per person or $20 per family

In the event of inclement weather, email to ask about event status

or go to

Venue: Leland Community Center

Location: Jane E Lawton Community Recreation Center, 4301Willow Lane, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Admission: $8 per person or $20 per family


Bulgarian Community Center - Annual Koledna Vecherinka (Christmas Party) - 2015

Bulgarian Community Center
(Washington, DC)

invites you to the

Annual Koledna Vecherinka (Christmas Party)
Traditional Bulgarian Folklore Night (Potluck)


Lyuti Chushki
Traditional Bulgarian Folk Band

At this event we will also send off our good friend Varol Saatcioglu and celebrate his contribution to our community as a proud member of Lyuti Chushki band. Varol will be leaving the DC area for the San Francisco Bay area.

Join us to thank Varol and wish him well.

Please bring your favorite food to share.

December 12, 2015 from 6 – 11 pm

Place: Leland Community Center Jane E Lawton Community Recreation Center, 4301Willow Lane, Chevy Chase, MD 20815.  Free parking in the parking lot in front of the
Leland Community Center is available.

Entrance fees: $10 per person, $5 per child or senior, $30 per family to cover cost for the music, rent, etc.

For more information contact:

Venue: Leland Community Center

Location: Jane E Lawton Community Recreation Center, 4301Willow Lane, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Admission: $10 per person, $5 per child or senior, $30 per family


Embassy of Bulgaria Dinner Feast and celebration of Bulgarian Culture

Embassy of Bulgaria Dinner Feast and celebration of Bulgarian Culture

Thursday, November 5, 2015 – 7:00-9:00  PM

The International Club of DC, with the cooperation of the Embassy of Bulgaria, cordially requests the pleasure of your company for an enchanting evening of Bulgarian culture, wine, and cuisine at the Embassy of Bulgaria. Discover Bulgaria and the culture of a civilization spanning a thousand years. Come by yourself or with friends for a wonderful opportunity to discover Bulgaria through all your senses! The evening includes welcome remarks and an overview of Bulgaria, Bulgarian culture, geography, and tourism. Feast on a buffet of traditional Bulgarian delicacies prepared especially for you by the embassy caterer along with wine served at the open bar. This is also a great opportunity to meet diplomatic personnel at the embassy as well as International Club of DC members in attendance.

Note:  Event is Sold Out

Venue: Embassy of Bulgaria

Location: Embassy of Bulgaria 1621 22nd Street NW Washington DC 20008


World Village Music & Dance Camp - 2015

World Village Music & Dance Camp

International Folk Music & Dance

Timber Ridge Camp

High View, WV

Labor Day Weekend

September 4 – 7, 2015

Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion: Romanian dances
Nikolay Tzvetkov: Bulgarian dances
Lyuti Chushki: Bulgarian music
Loretta Kelley: Scandinavian music
Carl Linich: Georgian singing

Additional performers to be announced

WORLD VILLAGE MUSIC & DANCE CAMP at TIMBER RIDGE (formerly known as Buffalo on the Danube) presents some of the finest bearers of Europe’s folk music and dance traditions in a laid-back program emphasizing personalized teaching, and room for jam sessions and other serendipity. We offer accessible dance, instrumental and singing workshops all day and great evening dance parties and concerts featuring live music. Music workshop participants have an opportunity to perform.  The program starts with dinner on Friday and ends Monday afternoon. We welcome beginners and families with children of all ages!

TIMBER RIDGE CAMP is located in High View, WV, about two hours west of Washington, DC. Situated on a beautiful property nestled in the heart of the Shenandoah Mountains, on the banks of the Cacapon River, the camp has a wide variety of comfortable housing options, a spacious, well-equipped dining hall and an attentive and friendly staff.  The camp features an air-conditioned dance hall with a wood floor. Camp facilities include an Olympic-size pool, tennis courts and lots more.

MUSIC CLASSES Participants provide their own instruments. Campers may bring a recording device, as much of the music is taught by ear. If you need an instrument or have an instrument to share, please let us know.

For more information about the staff, registration forms, cost, work exchange scholarships, directions either contact

Jamie or Betsy Platt – 301.717.4641

or go to:

World Music & Dance Institute is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization presenting and promoting traditional music & dance from around the world

Venue: Timber Ridge Camp

Location: High View, WV



Lyuti Chushki at the Door County Folk Festival


36th Annual DOOR COUNTY FOLK FESTIVAL A Celebration of Folklore with Dance and Music Wednesday-Sunday, July 8-12, 2015 Baileys Harbor, Ephraim & Sister Bay, Wisconsin
Get Your Foot In The Door!
Wednesday-Sunday, July 8-12, 2015 Baileys Harbor, Ephraim & Sister Bay, Wisconsin
Special Ethnic Dance/Music Guests: Special Contra/Square Guests:
Dancing: Martin Koenig & Larry Weiner Callers: Dot Kent & Paul Collins

Musicians: Lyuti Chushki & Nick Bratkovich

Musicians: A Rare Privilege – Chirps Smith
Singing: Tzvety Dosseva Weiner

2015 Festival Highlights

Special Events Happy Hour/Dinner/Pier Dance – Fred & Fuzzy’s (Fri)
Traditional Door County Fish Boil Dinner (Sat)
Music, Singing, Dancing in B.H. Park (Sat)
Silent Auction for Work Scholar Fund (Thu-Sat)
Israeli Dance Request Session (Sat)
Musician-Singer Jam Sessions (Fri-Sat)
Dance Relief Sessions with Mercedes (Thu-Sat)
Parties All Request Ethnic Dance Parties (Wed, Thu, Sun)
Dance Party with
Live & Recorded Music (Fri)
• Dance Party with
Live & Recorded Music (Sat)
Larry Hoey Memorial Folk Dance Olympics (Sat)
Contra/Square Dance with
Live Music (Fri)
Late Night Ethnic Dance Parties (Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat)
Survivors’ All Request Dance Party (Sun)
Workshops Special Guest Instructors Martin Koenig & Larry Weiner – Dance Workshops (Thu-Fri-Sat)
Specialty Session with Regional Leaders –
Theme TBD (Thu)
Contra/Square Dancing with
Dot Kent, Paul Collins with music by A Rare Privilege (Fri-Sat-Sun)
Beginning/Intermediate Level Ethnic Dance Workshops with Regional Leaders (Fri-Sat)
Intermediate/Advanced Level Ethnic Dance Workshops with Regional Leaders (Thu-Fri-Sat)
Israeli Dance Workshops with
Penny Brichta & Phil Moss (Fri-Sat)
Balkan Singing Workshops with
Tzvety Dosseva Weiner (Fri-Sat)
Review Dance Workshops (Sun)


Get Online with DCFF Contacts

an Page: Group Page: Twitter:

General Info: – (847)-846-8139 Work Scholars: –

Silent Auction: –


Venue: Door County Folk Festival

Location: Various venues in Baileys Harbor, Ephraim & Sister Bay, Wisconsin

Admission: see event website


35th Annual Washington Folk Festival

35th Annual Washington Folk Festival

 Lyuti Chushki

Bulgarian Music and Dance

Spanish Ballroom

Sunday, May 31, 2015 – 5:00 – 6:00 pm


Experience the energy and the catchy and unusual rhythms of Bulgarian folk music played by Lyuti Chushki on traditional instruments. Jamie Platt leads the audience in easy and enticing village style Balkan dances

The 35th Annual Washington Folk Festival will be held on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31, 2015. The festival runs from Noon to 7:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday at Glen Echo Park. Rain or Shine! The festival is FREE to the public.

The 35th Annual Washington Folk Festival showcases the diversity of traditional music in the Washington area. All musicians, storytellers, dancers, and craftspeople live in the the greater Washington metropolitan area and volunteer their talents to put on a first class festival of national renown. With performances representing cultures from around the world as well as around the country, it is your chance to find out what is going on in the folk communities of the area.

For More information about the full schedule go to:

Venue: Glen Echo Park

Location: 7300 MacArthur Blvd - Glen Echo, MD

Admission: Free


Celebration of St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day - 2015



St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day

Concert – Potluck
American University

Saturday, May 23, 2015 – 6:00-9:00 pm

The Bulgarian Community Center, Washington, DC
is pleased to invite you to the
Bulgarian National Holiday celebrating the Cyrillic Alphabet and Bulgarian culture and education


Lyuti Chushki

Tatiana Sarbinska & Kolio Kolev

Children from the Bulgarian educational and cultural center “Sv. Klimet Ohridski”

and other performers

American University
Kay Spiritual Life Center
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC

Please bring your favorite dish and drink.
Free for all event. Donations are Welcome More information will be posted on our web site: or email:


Venue: American University - Kay Spiritual Life Center

Location: 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC

Admission: Free


6th Annual Greater Washington, DC Area Bulgarian-American Community Subor (Picnic)

6th Annual Greater Washington, DC Area

Bulgarian-American Community Subor (Picnic)

Saturday, April 25, 2015, 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
(But just in case of rain….if there is any change in our plans…
we’ll send out another email and make a posting to our Facebook page)
(rain date – April 26, 2015, 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm – see below)

at Calleva Camp
19120 Martinsburg Rd., Dickerson, MD 20842

near Poolesville, MD – between Washington, DC & Frederick, MD
(Be aware of several speed cameras in the area.)

Live music and dance featuring
Lyuti Chushki   & friends

plan to join us for

The big Bulgarian Horo
Community  photograph
Sports games

Admission:  $8 per person  (age 12+) (This price covers parking, live music and entertainment.)

Food at affordable prices. Menu: Roasted lamb, Chicken, Bulgarian BBQ (kebabcheta and kuftetata) or vegetarian dish, salad and dessert.   Alcohol consumption is permitted, but bring your own.

Co-organizers of the event: Camp Calleva, Lyuti Chushki,  Bulgarian Education Center “St. Kliment Okhridski”, ” Sts. Cyril and Methodius” Church and the Bulgarian Community Center Washington, DC.

This is a fundraising event to support the Bulgarian Community Center for organizing future events. The Bulgarian Community Center is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization..

Directions to Calleva Camp Farm

Please Note: Calleva uses multiple locations in addition to the use of various parks and recreational facilities for the wide spectrum of outdoor programming.

The Bulgarian Community Subor (Picnic) takes place at the Calleva Farm – 19120 Martinsburg Rd.,  DickersonMD20842-9243.

From Washington, DC &  Bethesda, MD: 
>From Baltimore, MD:
>From Rockville, MD:
>From Reston, VA:
>From Alexandria, VA:*

Special note:  The event will take place even in case of passing rain. In case of rain during the picnic we will move the event in the barn until the ground dries again. Please follow the weather forecast and make sure that you bring appropriate clothing and an umbrella with you. Make sure that you invite your friends with you. In case need help on the day of the event please call 202-247-5805.

Bulgarian Community Center Inc. is a 501 c 3 not-for-profit  organization.
Our mission is preserving, promoting and encouraging positive attributes of the Bulgarian culture and unifying the Bulgarian  American  community in the US.  This is a fundraising event  to support the Bulgarian Community Center’s fund for building the  Bulgarian Cultural Center in the DC metro area.

For Information contact: Bulgarian Community Center, Email:  Website:

Follow the Bulgarian Community Center – DC on facebook at

Venue: Calleva Camp 19120 Martinsburg Rd., Dickerson, MD 20842

Location: 19120 Martinsburg Rd., Dickerson, MD 20842

Admission: $8 per person (age 12+) (This price covers parking, live music and entertainment)


Lyuti Chushki in Durham, NC - Saturday, Apr 18, 2015

Bulgarian Music & Dance Party


Lyuti Chushki – Bitov Ensemble

with guest artist Georgi Doichev (gaida)

Saturday, Apr 18, 2015

Pleasant Green Community Center

Durham, NC

6-7:30 pm Potluck Supper – Bring food and drink to share
(sorry, no alcohol permitted on the premises)

 7:30-11 pm Music / Dance party

 A donation for the party is requested to help cover costs
Suggested amount: $15 or whatever you’re willing / able to give.

For more information call 919-383-7172, or e-mail

 or go to:

Venue: Pleasant Green Community Center

Location: Durham, NC

Admission: A donation for the party is requested to help cover costs. Suggested amount: $15 or whatever you’re willing / able to give


Annual Baba Marta Celebration - 2015

****  Cancelled due to snow storm ****

The Glen Echo Folkdancers present its Annual
Baba Marta Celebration
All Bulgarian, All the Time
Live music with

Lyuti Chushki

Thursday, March 5, 2015
7:30-11:00 pm

Church of the Redeemer
6201 Dunrobbin Drive, Bethesda, MD (just off MacArthur Blvd)
Glen Echo, MD

Teaching basic Bulgarian dances: 7:30 pm
Party: 8:30 – 11 pm

Please bring a snack/beverage to share

Admission $10


A little background of Baba Marta

Before the beginning of March each year Bulgarians present to relatives and friends martenitsa (also known in some Bulgarian regions as martenka) – a double red and white tassel – to bring health and happiness.  On the first day of March, people in Bulgaria put the martenitsa-s on their clothes or wrists and wish each other health and happiness with “Chestita baba Marta” – (in English, “Happy Grandma Marta”). “Marta” comes from the word for March (Mart) in Bulgarian.

This is an ancient Bulgarian (pagan) tradition (well – nobody knows how old but most probably it’s more than one thousand years old) and symbolizes the end of the cold winter and the coming of the spring.

Martenitsa-s are supposed to be worn until the person sees the first stork (supposedly returning from the South and not the one in the Zoo). Then martenitsa-s are thrown onto a tree. The red and white colours symbolize the snow and the blood from an old story where, a stork brings the blessing for health to a small child from its parents, who are far away. The giving of the martenitsa makes you feel to expect the Spring very soon. The “arrival” of the stork indicates that this has happened.

The lack of “real” winter and storks (not a lot of them in the cities) raises some difficulties in implementing this tradition nowadays but Bulgarians are still celebrating and very fond of the 1st of March (in a traditional and “modern” way at the same time).

Info: Jamie Platt or 301-466-3018

Venue: Glen Echo Folkdancers

Location: Church of the Redeemer 6201 Dunrobbin Drive, Bethesda, MD (just off MacArthur Blvd) Glen Echo, MD

Admission: $10