About Us

Tzvety Weiner (vocals)

Vocals by Tzvety WeinerTzvety Weiner, from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, was raised in a family steeped in Bulgarian folk music, but she didn’t start singing this music until coming to the States in 1998. Tzvety’s parents are both well-known and highly respected musicians in Bulgaria, and since she began singing here with Lyuti Chushki, she has also collaborated with her parents on CD projects in Bulgaria. In addition, Tzvety sings with the traditional Macedonian band Luk Na Glavata, and with a local women’s group, Slaveya.

Valeri Georgiev (kaval)

Kaval — Valeri Georgiev

Valeri Georgiev was born in the village of Nikopol in northern Bulgaria and has been playing kaval since his youth. After completing his studies in Kotel and Academy of Music and Dance Arts in Plovdiv, Valeri organized and worked with Folk Theater Naiden Kirov and Orchestra Horo in Russe, North Bulgaria.

Boril Peychinov (accordion)

Boril Peychinov was born in Russe, in northern Bulgaria. As a teenager, he started to play accordion for different folk dance groups, and later worked with Valeri Georgiev in Folk Theater Naiden Kirov. He completed his education at University of Shumen. Boril and his family came to the United States in 2013.


Bryndyn Weiner (tupan)

Tupan - Bryndyn WeinerBryndyn joined Lyuti Chushki in 2017 following in the footsteps of his father and founder of the band Larry Weiner. [Stay tuned for further bio]




Lyuti Chushki is proud to support the Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar taking place every summer in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The Seminar is especially designed for non-Bulgarians (or Bulgarians interested in connecting with their “roots” music and dance) who would like to have a more in-depth Bulgarian folk music and dance learning opportunity than is normally available to groups or individuals traveling to Bulgaria. Please visit the web site above for more information about the Folk Seminar.